CPS-Datensysteme serves over 1,500 customers and is therefore one of the leading domain registrars for providers and agencies. Target market is the European region, in particular Germany, Austria and Switzerland. Currently CPS-Datensysteme manages approx. 200,000 domains and processes between 500 and 1,000 transactions daily. The company is based in the city of Vallendar which is situated alongside the Rhine river (no far from the WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management).
CPS-Datensysteme sees itself as a provider of background technologies, so-called “white label” products. Due to the company’s focus on providers and agencies, CPS-Datensysteme offers products in the areas of domain registration, name server operation and SSL certification services.
Corporate culture
The corporate culture of CPS-Datensysteme GmbH is based on a responsible coexistence of economy, ecology and social commitment, ecology and social commitment. As a company, we want to make a positive contribution to important areas of our society and environment.
Operational responsibility
We are committed to the principle of “Never Ending Improvement”: Our work processes are documented in an operations manual and are constantly reviewed for improvement opportunities. We also secure the foundations of our work for the future by offering apprenticeships and further training programmes for our employees. We focus on operational safety to ensure the highest level of quality and safety.
Ecological responsibility
We counteract the destruction of our environment and thus the basis of life for all of us through donations to various environmental organisations. We also only use electricity from renewable energy sources for our offices.
Social responsibility
We make donations in kind to local daycare centres and charitable organisations.