Domain Registrar

As a domain registrar, you manage the domains of your resellers and don’t want to deal with the technical details in the background? – No problem. With our DomainManager and DomainCloud solutions, you have two comprehensive products at your disposal that offer every conceivable option, from “plug & play” operation to complex processes.

Our highlights for your success


This vendor-neutral solution with its numerous interfaces to registrars and registries is ideal as an introduction to automated domain management.

About the product

DomainManager (Domain-Robot)

White-Label product with interfaces to various registrars and registrars for connecting channel partners (resellers).

About the product

Both systems have an API (programming interface), which can be extended as required. For particularly complex scenarios, the DomainManager has plug-in methods that are called before and after each job and can therefore directly influence the workflow.