
GlobalSign was founded in 1996 as one of the Internet’s first trust service providers (technically known as certification authorities). GlobalSign’s digital certificates protect the data and transactions of numerous Fortune 100 companies and governments around the world.

We support the following GlobalSign products in our system:

Product name

Wildcard available

Extended Validation

SAN Option


GlobalSign DomainSSL

GlobalSign OrganizationSSL

GlobalSign ExtendedSSL

GlobalSign DomainSSL

DomainSSL is domain-checked and fully automated. Fastest SSL issuance: The certificate is delivered in just a few minutes.

GlobalSign OrganizationSSL

OrganizationSSL is an organisation-verified certificate, which offers an improvement in credibility compared to a domain-validated SSL certificate. OrganizationSSL activates the padlock in the browser and displays the company identity. The organisation details are checked within 1-2 working days.

GlobalSign ExtendedSSL

ExtendedSSL activates the green address bar and displays the organisation’s name in the browser interface. These important security indicators increase users’ trust in a website and enhance its credibility.

A standard SSL certificate is issued for a single Fully Qualified Domain Name (e.g. Accordingly, it can only be used to secure the exact domain for which it was issued. A wildcard SSL certificate is issued to *, which means that the SSL certificate can be used for an unlimited number of subdomains.

If the SAN option is available, SAN packages can be added to a certificate when ordering.